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Thronmax M8 Pro RGB Pulse Type-C Microphone | USB 錄音咪

Thronmax M8 Pro RGB Pulse Type-C Microphone | USB - TYPE C 錄音咪



可用於Apple 或 Windows 系統, 無需安裝, 即插即用。 適用於大部份視訊通話軟件, 包括Facebook Messanger, Google Meet, Skype, Team, Zoom 等.


可使用於iPhone 和iPad, Android 電話 或 平板電腦


套裝包括 Pulse 咪, 角度調節腳架 和 USB-Type C 線




用上2個電容收音 (16mm 和10mm)

取樣頻率: 96khz / 24bit

收音模式: 心形 (可選消除噪音模式)

頻率響應: 20Hz – 20kHz


Can use on both Apple and Windows System, Plug and play. Able to use on most video call software, including Facebook Messanger, Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, etc...


Can connect iPhone and iPad with Apple Camara Kit.

Can connect Android phones with Type-C cable


Package includes Pulse microphone, angle adjustable tripod and USB-Type C cable




Includes 2 high quality condenser capsules (16mm and 10mm)

Sample Rate / Bit Rate: 96khz / 24bit

Recording Pattern: Cardioid (Available in Noise Cancelling Mode)

Frequency Response: 20Hz – 20kHz

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