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Master 8 Yama Hika Signature Guitar Pick (Made in Japan) | YOASOBI低音結他手簽名款結他撥片

Master 8 Yama Hika Signature Guitar Pick (Made in Japan) | YOASOBI低音結他手簽名款防滑結他撥片


Master 8


Yamamoto Hikaru 是一位低音結他手和獨立歌手,她擔任YOASOBI 和 Momoiro Clover Z 的樂手, 也有自己的樂隊 Aooo


她的簽名撥片厚度為 0.88 毫米,基於 INFINIX-U 系列三角形設計

半透明藍綠色底色配上色彩繽紛的主要簽名標誌和黃色的Master 8 標誌,兩面都印有磨沙防滑。






Signature series

Yamamoto Hikaru is a bass player and also a vocalist, she supports YOASOBI and Momoiro Clover Z, She also has a band called Aooo


Her signature pick is 0.88mm thick and it's based on INFINIX-U series Triangle shape. 

A mixture of see through blue and green is the main colour of the pick with a colourful signature logo with a yellow master 8 logo, both size has sand grip as well.


This pick is flexible, has a good sound, and it's easy to pick up subtle nuances. The shape is also smoother than regular shape, and even when playing in a lower position, it doesn't ring too much, and it is easy to play with.

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