Master 8 INFINIX 2.5mm MEGA SLICE TEARDROP Guitar Pick | 日本製2.5 毫米厚結他撥片
Master 8
可順暢撥動的2.5 毫米厚結他撥片!
這種超厚的特殊形狀是與音樂出版商 Rittor Music 合作開發的。經過測試大量樣本後,最後確定最佳厚度為 2.5 毫米。
朝向尖端的斜坡寬度也指定為 2.5 毫米, 透過使外周變細並使尖端變尖,可以減少與琴弦的摩擦,從而使撥弦動作變得更加順暢。
INFINIX series
Extra-thick picks developed for smooth picking!
Master 8 developed the extra-thick special shape in collaboration with Ritto Music, Japanese music publisher.
After a long period of testing, the best thickness of 2.5mm was adopted.
The tapered outer circumference and pointed tip reduce frictional resistance with the strings and enable smooth picking.
The material INFINIX is characterized by its shape memory and high abrasion resistance, and has achieved smoothness and long life that overturns the impression of an ultra-thick shape.