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Maono (Mai-o-no) 是非洲語言. 是 Vision 的意思。 Maono 宗旨是為未來而創造, 專注專業音頻產品創新

MAONO 已在全球的直播和遊戲市場中得到了廣泛認可,產品已有超過幾百萬用戶正在使用。但Maono 仍會不斷開發更好的產品,務度為用戶帶來最好的產品和服務體驗。

Maono (Mai-o-no) is an African language, meaning Vision.

Maono's mission is creating products for the future, stands for Vision, and believes Vision drives technology and focusing on the professional audio products innovation.

MAONO has been widely recognized in the global live broadcast and gaming market, and the product has been used by more than millions of users. However, Maono will continue to develop better products for users to have the best audio product and service experience.

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